Druga cześć najlepszej dziesiątki filmów o zombie. Błagam o wybaczenie, że tylko po angielsku - wybitnie nie chciało mi się tłumaczyc, szykuje mi się sesja zdjęciowa i jestem nią pochłonięta :)
Second part of 10 top zombie movies. Polish readers I'm beging for forgiveness for the post in English language only - I particularly did'n want to translate, I'm preparing the photo shoot and it absorbed me at all :)
Night of the Living Dead
Zombie infestation starts after a satellite crashes back to earth then
emits radiation thus bring back the dead as walking dead zombie flesh eaters.
Survivors end up retreating to a lonely farmhouse to take shelter against the
zombie swarm.
Black and white might hold you back from this classic movie along with the
low budget but you will enjoy this one. Not too scary considering the graphics
and style of today’s films but the movie still holds its weight. I heard
stories growing up of old time horror fans who saw this the same night it came
out and being scared to the bone while fearing to go home.
Best zombie kill scene: The final kill scene has to be the one that comes
to mind, what a shame.
Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness
Army of Darkness is the final entry to the Evil Dead trilogy. The Evil Dead
trilogy is another of my all time favorites even though they had an extremely
tight budget with each horror movie. This masterpiece is from the director of
the Spider-Man franchise Sam Raimi and B-movie
king Bruce Campbell plays Ash, the great zombie killing/bashing hero.
This one took the cake. I loved Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness' horror mixed
with a gothic castlevania setting. The Evil Dead III: Army of Darkness is great
to watch anytime... especially excellent when your bored. Army of Darkness is
my favorite of the Evil Dead franchise.
Bruce Campbell plays Ash Williams who is a S-Mart employee that gets
transported back in time to medieval England. The Necronomicon is the key back
but once retrieved raises the army of the dead in which Evil Ash becomes the
leader and leads the war of the undead. The zombie hordes are pushed back by
Ash in an incredibly funny way. Not really a scary movie but very enjoyable.
Best zombie kill scene: Ash kills massive amounts of zombies by
mounting propeller blades on the front of his Oldsmobile while spinning around
in the castle courtyard.
Day of the Dead (1985)

Day of the Dead is the third installment in George A. Romero's Living Dead
Trilogy. The first two being the classics; Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of
the Dead. Moving away from the comic book like, almost dark comedy-ish
atmosphere, Day of the Dead is by far the darkest and goriest in the trilogy (despite
Night of the Living Dead's haunting ending).
Day of the Dead pretty much picks up where Dawn left off. The zombies are still
taking over the world, and people are still running. A group of researchers and
a few military men have taken shelter in an underground mine shaft to try to
find an answer to the havoc that the zombies have caused. Due to the isolation,
tension flies between the researchers and the military officers, and finally
the blood begins to shed between them.
Outside from the very good storyline, Day of the Dead is a very gory film, and
is perhaps, make up special effects master Tom Savini's best work. I really
don't think I should give away any spoilers for this film, for it's definitely
the least popular in the series, and probably the least seen. People should
really see this movie, for it's a great idea and some really real looking gore.
I myself love zombie movies and this is very up there in my favorites,
following right behind Dawn of the Dead. Recommended for people who love zombie
movies and…
Return of the Living Dead
Dan O'Bannon (author of "Alien") wrote and directed this near
spoof of the zombie genre. At Uneeda Medical Supply warehouse (HAHA!), Army
cannisters contaning corpses infected with Trioxin Gas have been wrongfully
stored. Next thing you know the two dimwits working in the place (James Karen
and Thom Mathews) have accidentally released one of the undead, as well as the
gas which causes zombification. Through an odd and funny series of events, they
end up cremating a zombie, releasing the deadly smoke into the sky where it
mixes with rain which falls onto a nearby cemetary. Soon hordes of the undead
are up and stalking the living. The zombies of this movie are different than
most as they move quickly, can speak, and crave only brains. This movie is
incredibly funny while still full of traditional zombie shocks and gore. You gotta see this one
Dead Alive (1992)
Peter Jackson directed Dead Alive long before he started the
great Lord of the Rings franchise and his current project The
Hobbit. Imagine what Jackson could have done if he had Weta Digital around back
then. This zombie flick has been banned across many countries and has to be one
of the goriest films ever. One scene required five gallons of fake blood per
second to pull off one of these living dead scenes in which made me even
Lionel, played by Timothy Balme is the by product of an overbearing mother
and when Lionel finally gets a new girlfriend, all hell breaks lose. Mom
becomes a flesh eating zombie of course and what follows is a zombie
infestation that Lionel must slaughter every walking dead in his path making
for an entertaining zombie massacre.
No official awards were won here but Peter Jackson made a classic
if you can stomach watching this gory scary movie.